جرائم الصين في تركستان الشرقية
Turkistantimes , 06.10.2017
Munther Fouad
It seems that the Chinese authorities have exhausted all their means to obliterate the Islamic identity in East Turkistan, the current Xinjiang province, and decided to resort to a more severe means in an attempt to dissuade Muslims from their religion and restrict their religious rites.
The mindset of the Beijing authorities reached an unprecedented decision against the minority Muslim Uyghur, which is the majority of Turkestans, banning the circulation of all that is Islamic, including copies of the Koran, and demanded the Muslim authorities to hand over all their religious belongings, and vowed violators at the same time.
What China is doing in East Turkestan is not new. It has prevented Muslims from fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and prevented the access of Islamic publications from circulation in the regions of the region, as well as continuing its crimes and massacres against Muslims over two centuries. An extension of a long series of intellectual terrorism practiced by the Beijing authorities against the Uighurs.
That China should ban the Koran in an area where 22 million Muslims live, without any respect for the freedom of belief. This is an insult not only to these millions, but to 1.5 billion Muslims. This requires an Islamic move to stop this and to grant Turkistan Muslims their right to freedom of belief, Which is guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution itself, and the Muslim peoples should exert pressure on governments and regimes to support the fundamental rights of Uighur Muslims and pressure the Beijing government to stop its escalating practices, especially in the recent period.
China is well aware that the narrower the stranglehold on Muslims in their religion, the more they adhere to it, and its recent decision to ban the Koran reflects the state of confusion, hatred and disillusionment with the authorities, and sees its faltering steps in obliterating Islamic identity.
قد تنجح الصين في مصادرة نسخ المصحف الشريف، لكنها لن تستطيع انتزاع المصحف من قلوب مسلمي الأويغور وحياتهم العملية، وكل المحاولات تثبت أنّ الممارسات القمعية تؤتى ثمارها بما لا يشتهي حاكم بكين.
في ظل الصراع الذي تشهده المنطقة العربية، تذهب بعض القضايا المهمة في مهب الريح، ويراد لها أن تمحى من أذهان الأجيال المسلمة، ومنها تبرز تركستان الشرقية التي أصبحت تعرف باسم شينجيانغ، وهي منطقة يقطنها ملايين المسلمين، وتحرمهم السلطات الصينية من التمتع بالثروات الغنية التي يملكها الإقليم، فضلا عن محاربتهم بشتى السبل، لكونهم مسلمين فقط.
ومن باب الإنصاف، ما كان للصين أن تمارس الإرهاب بحق مسلمي تركستان، لولا وجود تواطؤ عالمي ضد الأقلية المسلمة هناك، ولولا انشغال المسلمين بصراعاتهم فيما بينهم.
In early July, authorities in Egypt arrested dozens of Uighur Muslims from Al-Azhar students in a move that reflected the Egyptian regime’s collusion with the repressive communist regime in China as part of a Chinese plan to clamp down on the Uighurs outside its borders. .
Perhaps China should continue its frenzied campaign, which is witnessing the situation of the Muslims today, from their neglect of their causes. For example, what happens in the brutal massacres and systematic genocide carried out by the Assad regime against the Syrian people, amid Arab and Islamic failure, if not collusion and support for what Happen or occur.